A review by kristallmarie
This Skin Was Once Mine and Other Disturbances by Eric LaRocca


First off, many thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this book as an audio ARC! I greatly appreciate it! 
I've been having a bad time with ARCs lately. They'll sound amazing, and then they're just… Not. The potential was there, but it wasn't lived up to. 
This Skin Was Once Mine was fine up until you realize the MC is a horrible person, too, and there's no shock in her getting what she gets because it's what she deserved. 
Seedling was definitely my favorite. It was giving The Dark And The Wicked vibes in the best possible way! 
All the Parts of You That Won't Easily Burn, meh. Also the audio quality took a serious step down in this story, for some reason. 
Prickle, also meh. 
The writing style is nice, but it's clear the author has a few phrases and visual metaphors he likes more than others. The constant talk of wounds having lips was super gross, which is probably the point, but it was used so often that it lost its power. 
2.5 stars for This Skin Was Once Mine and Other Disturbances.