A review by kindlelovingmom
Ignite on Contact by Jaci Burton


This was a sweet, sexy, friends-to-lovers story. I enjoyed it very much! It's book 2 in the series, but it stands alone pretty well.

Rafe Donovan has had a very interesting life. His parents were horrible people, and dangerous drug dealers, so he ran away as a kid, and met his brothers, Jackson and Kal, while living on the streets. They took care of each other, and they were doing ok. But, one night, the vacant house they were sleeping in caught fire, and they almost died. A fireman named Josh Donovan saved their lives, and then he and his wife Laurel adopted the 3 boys. So, after that, he was safe and had a great family. He grew up to be a firefighter, along with both his brothers. He likes to date around, but he's never been serious about any one woman. Maybe it's remnants of his messed up childhood, but he doesn't emotionally depend on anyone but family.

Carmen Lewis is an ER charge nurse. She grew up mostly with her grandparents after her mom died, and her dad split, when she was a kid. Later, after her abuela passed as well, it was just her and her grandfather. He had a stroke a few years ago, and her young marriage had ended in divorce, so she moved in to take care of him. The Donovan brothers have lived next door for the last several years of Carmen's time living in her grandfather's house, and they've all helped her out with caring for him, here and there. Rafe has been especially helpful. She's always been attracted to him, but she had no use for a man in her life, after her ex, so she's always ignored the pull. But when Rafe is injured on a call, and she takes care of him at the hospital, he asks her out, to a "thank you" dinner, and she grudgingly says yes.

Rafe and Carmen had a sparking connection, but they both thought they were just going to have a good time, and it would be nothing serious. Best laid plans, and all that! They both felt comfortable with the other right away, since they already knew each other pretty well, and so it was easy for them to fall into a relationship. Once they both realized how much they were starting to care for the other, they had to decide if they were willing to truly open their hearts to love.

Rafe's brothers were awesome, and I enjoyed seeing them again in this story. They have a typical loving, competitive, brotherly relationship, and watching them give each other a hard time was always funny. Carmen's grandpa Jimmy was a total doll, and I loved how he looked after her, while she was trying to care for him. Carmen's best friend, and fellow nurse, Tess, was awesome too. I'd love to get a little short story about her and her amazing husband!

Both these characters had some pretty steep emotional walls to scale before they could imagine really being together long-term. They'd both been hurt before, in very different ways, by people who were supposed to care for them, and they weren't eager to allow it to happen again. I enjoyed watching them both slowly fall in love, and then actually realize they were in love. It seemed to sneak up on them both, and it was very satisfying to read.

This was a sweet story, while still being plenty hot, and I liked it very much! I'm looking forward to Kal's story next! He started training for a different, more elite, type of firefighting job in this book, so I'm curious to see how that changes his life going forward!

ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Megan from Alpha Book Club
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