A review by couscous
You Slay Me by Katie MacAlister


This was pretty cool and enjoyable and the plot moved fairly quickly and I wasn't bored. It also helps that the characters are very interesting. Aisling and Jim were hilarious and as soon as Jim was introduced, a demon in the guise of a talking Newfoundland who wants to go walkies, I pretty much sold and was on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happened next. I thought Aisling was pretty relatable and funny, and she was also smart. Sure she just got introduced into this new world, and she didn't know the rules but she wasn't going around blindly doing stupid things some authors make characters do just for plot progression, which I appreciate because I hate needless stupidity. I also liked the relationship with Drake. Yes, he's kind of your run of the mill sexy love interest in UF but I liked him and didn't think 'cardboard cutout' when reading about him. I think the scenes between him and Aisling were intense, and I hope the next book will focus on more of a progression in their relationship beyond the physical attraction.

Also shoutout to the legendary Rene, who not only proved himself an awesome taxi driver and translator, but also a very kind and loyal friend.

If I could remember the french I'd love to tell someone "J'ai une grenouille dans mon bidet"

My only complaint is the minor spelling mistakes in the ebook. I caught a couple and while they weren't overly distracting they did make me pause for a second to reread the sentence. Otherwise it was a great book with an exciting plot and great characters, and I'm gonna read the next book when I can.