A review by jackie_of_all_books
Knocking Boots by Willow Winters


Grace and Charlie
It starts with he took her to a wedding as his date and now they’re having sex but he doesn’t want commitment and she does and he knows this will be a one night thing but he’s thinking he wants more than that. And then it goes to the beginning of the story when Grace finds out she’s in premenopausal and if she wants kids she needs to do it soon. She goes to her favorite bar to get a drink and ogle the cute owner and bartender charlie who has zero plans of settling down so he’s just eye candy. Charlie loves when Grace comes in but he knows she wants to settle down. He’s never thought about settling down or kids. She tells him briefly about what she found out at the doctors. She works as a graphic designer and one of her co workers Diane asks her out for drinks to Macs, Charlie’s bar. She agrees at first until she gets a message from Jason on tinder asking her on a date and when she ditched Diane, Diane turns into a bitch. We don’t like her already. At Charlie’s family dinner a girl named Susanne is brought up and I’m wondering if she’s the reason he doesn’t want to settle down or start a family. He was engaged to her and she slept with his best friend!!! 5 years later and he says the pain is mostly gone but he’s not stupid. 5 years since he took the ring back, showed Susanne the door and kicked Adams ass. Grace went on the date with Jason and it was awful. She left and went to macs. She told Charlie about her date and he told her how his family wants yo set him up with someone at his sisters wedding so he lies and tells them he’s seeing someone. Grace says to send a pic with her to get them off his back but then they really want him to bring her to the wedding. She agrees but doesn’t tell him what he owes her but he knows she wants a night tangled in his sheets. He’d give it to her every night if she’d just ask. She wanted to tell him she wants him to knock her up