A review by caseroo7
Accidental Man Whore by Katherine Stevens


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I'm not sure if it was the timing of when I read this book or what, but I had a tough time getting into Accidental Man Whore by Katherine Stevens. This is the first book i've read from her and I will admit I struggled with it. It had a lot of promise, but in the end it just didn't work for me.

When his dad needs help with his medical bills, Ben Wright finds himself needing to make some extra cash quick. But when one thing leads to another, he finds himself becoming an escort by accident. So when Miryam's fiance leaves her for his coworker and she isn't ready to break the news to her family, she finds herself hiring Ben as her stand-in.

For me, part of the problem here was that I couldn't relate to the characters, and I didn't feel invested in their story. I just didn't feel connected to either Ben or Miryam and honestly I felt pretty indifferent to them.

Another problem I had here was that while I did find humor in a few moments, much of tis book felt over the top to me. I have a tough time with that style of humor and if it is too over the top, often times it feels like it's trying too hard. I think maybe this is just a personal thing as I have seen a lot of others loving the humor here. For me though this one just missed the mark.

I do think that a lot of readers will enjoy this book, especially if the other reviews I have seen are anything to go by. But for me, this one just didn't deliver what I was hoping for or expecting and sadly wasn't for me. I think it is worth giving the shot if it sounds like one you might like though, as it seems like a lot of readers are loving it and this very well could just be a personal thing.

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