A review by littlebookterror
Her Big City Neighbor by Jackie Lau


should have known this would be a fail as soon as I realized how heavy this book goes on the food descriptions - this book is for foodie lovers aka not me!

I know many people crave these more relaxed romance novels with mature, older main characters and decent communication skills and, like, firmly rooted in real life that don't appeal to me. It's almost too close to real life?
And I had a hard time with both of our protagonist's personalities, Amy's exuberance and babbling had me cringe and Victor's dour attitude boarded too close to rudeness for my taste. And while I appreciate the underlying message in regards to equal investment in a relationship, it could have been written smoother.

(And it's another notch in the "Emily Woo Zeller is probably not the narrator for me" which sucks cause she has done so many popular books I would like to listen to)