A review by jst1morechapter
The Good Girl by Lily White, Dawn Robertson


dark and disturbing...

So... I'm not sure where to begin with this review...

Let me start by saying that the two main characters are both mentally ill and very unstable and could actually do with getting some professional help... It was brutal in it's content and there were parts where I didn't want to read any further because of what I feared would happen next.
Saying that, the reason for my 4 star rating... the writing was gripping and very well done... I ploughed through hoping for some light at the end of that very dark tunnel, and I wasn't disappointed, although how they get there is a dubious thing indeed!

As this was listed as erotica I thought I'd give it a whirl... blimey, I think it's in the wrong section...
I have heard since reading that this is one of Lily White's tamer reads... all I can say is if that is the case I won't be reading them... this was borderline for me... I found it disturbing and far too dark for my pallet, but I can't bring myself to give this a bad star rating just because it wasn't to my taste...

If you think this is anything like 50 Shades or the Crossfire series then you'll be wrong... you have to be very open minded, understanding and forgiving to enjoy a book like this... I'm not sure that I did!