A review by brittanybwrites
Casting Spells by Barbara Bretton


Okay...this book right here was a quick read for me-one because I don't read books about knitting, and two, I honestly enjoyed this book a lot. The action, the Fae, and the love sparking between Chloe and Luke makes me wanna get the rest of this book series and marathon this book. Now I thought I wouldn't like this book because of the knitting thing, but if you take that out and fall in love with the town, the townsfolk (vampires, fae, witches, shapeshifters, warlocks, sprites) then you got one hell of a book.

But what is this amazing book about?

Chloe Hobbs is the owner of the knitting shop Sticks and Strings, and she's a half-human, half-sorcerer who was human, never gotten her powers at all....until the death of a woman named Suzanne died and then all of a sudden, the town of Montiplier (as soon as I saw that town's name, I ironically thought of Markiplier-if you know who I'm talking about, then you'll get it) decided that oh, Sugar Maple needs a police station.

Problem with that....

1.) Basically, there's no crime in Sugar Maple. None what so ever.

and Two...well, there is no two. All except the supernatural, Fae things, then that's it.

Enter Luke MacKenzie: a 100% human who's there to solve Suzanne's murder...but everytime he and Chloe touch....to quote Cascada, 'it feels like magic.' For reals. When they touch, fireworks goes off, and then that's when Chloe gets her magic.

But of course, we have some stupid people who wants the Book of Spells and take it away from Chloe. AKA Isadora, the Fae who really hates Chloe-to me, FOR NO REASON-and the fight between her and Chloe, along with her son Dane (who I hated so much-I liked his twin Gunnar better) almost destroyed Sticks and Strings, just for the book. But Chloe banished her and she also thought that Luke was dead, but he was protected by the Book of Spells, which was actually a composition book.

After the fight between Chloe, Luke, and Isadora, Luke left, and our new sorceress was sad, knowing that she and Luke couldn't have a relationship at all. But he came back, and he's staying, so that's good and MY OTP GOT TOGETHER. AWE YISS.