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A review by whitneymouse
The Disasters by M.K. England

Did not finish book.
It doesn’t feel right to give this a rating, but it’s my first DNF of 2019. This was just a mess.

I made it about 100 pages into it. The main character is diverse for no reason other than to be diverse. He’s bisexual and suffers from the stereotype of being attracted to anything that moves. He’s also sexually attracted to spaceships to the point where he wonders if he’s “aerosexual”. The spaceship in question is made by Honda for some reason and it just makes it sound like a mid-level sedan instead of a beautiful ship.

The author uses the phrase “thoroughly distracting” to describe minor actions by two different characters within 5 pages.

The side characters are diverse for diversity’s sake.

Also, I was promised Breakfast Club mixed with Guardians of the Galaxy and the only thing this has in common is misfits in space.

It just was a train wreck for me. I’m sure there are people who love this. It’s just not my cup of tea.