A review by mrsjhelms9910reader
Elastic Heart by Mary Catherine Gebhard


If you are sensitive to rape, do not read this book. This was an amazing book. I loved it and Law and Nami. I wish I could read more of their story. Nami is a girl who volunteered for a senator. When she is raped by him she decides to tell the police but no one believes her and calls her a liar. So she ends up stalking him to try to get evidence. In all of this she meets Law, who is trying to get evidence against the senator as well. He ends up fall in love with Nami. He shows her that she's an amazing person despite what has happened to her. And that doesn't change her or how he feels about her. Soon after all of this it's brought to light that the senator had raped another girl and that after this is known more girls come forward and justice ends up being served. Nami and Law end up moving on with their lives leaving behind Senator Morris. I can't wait to read more by this author.