A review by anasatticbookblog
Royally Endowed by Emma Chase


Royally Endowed by Emma Chase

Narrated by Andi Arndt and Shane East

3rd Standalone in an Interrelated Series. Contemporary Romance
4.5 stars

Emma Chase never fails to write a book I absolutely love, and Royally Endowed is no exception. I loved the first two in the series, and this slow-burn sweet romance did not disappoint at all.
“Everybody knows the bodyguard rules: Never lose focus, never let them out of your sight, and never, ever fall in love.”

Logan is ex-military and grew up rough. At 22 he has seen and experienced more horrors than most people ever do. He is so honored to be part of the elite Royal guard and he would never jeopardize that. Royally Endowed runs concurrently to the first two books so we see Ellie, the Duchess’s sister again in high school, working at her dad’s diner and making pies. Her sweet, funny, ‘grab life by the balls’ attitude is a pleasure to watch and you can’t help but fall for her. Logan is in charge of keeping her safe, and it’s sweet to see the 17 year old crushing on the big, strong, gruff bodyguard.
Because Logan would never let anything bad happen to any of us. And I believe with all my heart that there’s nothing he can’t do.

The story jumps ahead over years and we see Ellie’s feelings just keep getting stronger though she hasn’t really come out and admitted it. Logan has the same feelings for Ellie, but she is still too young, off limits, the Prince’s sister-in-law!
Hey Logan?”
“One of these days . . . I’m going to save you back.”

Logan became her friend, her protector, her cheering section and her world.
“So it’s like a . . . you jump, I jump, Jack and Rose kind of thing?”
“No.” I take her hand in mine, brushing my thumb against her knuckles. “You jump . . . and I’ll be there to catch you.”

Royally Endowed is the definition of a slow-burn romance, and I loved it! And once she was older and Logan finally gave into the feelings he had, that burn was no longer slow!
Somebody once told me a slow-burning fire is the hottest— and it must be true. Because Logan and I are a fucking inferno.

Though Logan has never really known the meaning of love, once he feels it, he knows what to do instinctively.
I would die for her. Kill for her, live for her. The vow echoes through me with every beat of my heart. She is the most important person in my life. She has been from the beginning, and she always will be. There will never be another.
I don’t know if I’ll be any fucking good at love. I’m not quite sure how it’s done. But for her, I’ll learn.
And I’ll do my damnedest to get it right.

When danger comes calling, my heart was in my throat, tears pouring down my face.
“I promised her. I swore I would keep her safe. Be her guard, her wall, so she could fly free. And I will not fucking fail her.


  • •How the books ran concurrently to the previous two over time.

  • •A true slow-burn that spanned years.

  • •Visiting with all the previous characters, including the queen who I kind of love and hate at the same time.

  • •The contrast between the gruff, taciturn bodyguard and the sweet and sunny girl.

  • •I love how hard he tried to fight his growing feelings.

  • •The sexy Wessco accent.

  • •Years of unrequited love built into great passion.

  • •How I was brought to my knees with tears because I was feeling the character’s feelings, even though I knew there was no need.

  • •All the babies! Awwwwww…..

  • Dislikes:

  • •It was a bit predictable, but I think most romances are, especially one with a bodyguard, you know they have to use the skill sometime, right?

  • Narration:

    I absolutely love Shane East and his Wessco accent! And Arndt felt a little old for the heroine at first but she grew on me. I think the accent makes this book better in audio than kindle. Who can resist a sexy accent?

    The Down & Dirty:

    At the beginning of this series, I never thought I’d like a story about royalty of a fake country, it just seems so cheesy and like a kids’ fairytale. But I have loved every word Emma had written prior, so I trusted her, and fell in love. This is another favorite series, and this last installment was just as great (even better in some ways) than the others. While it can stand alone ok, I would say you really need to read from the beginning of the series to fully appreciate the whole thing. Royally Endowed was the perfect mix of slow burn love, opposites attract, unrequited love, forbidden romance, romantic comedy, bodyguard romance and romantic suspense all in one, and I felt every emotion, including good and bad tears, laughter and lots of swoons.

    Rating: 4.5 Stars, 4 Heat, 5 Narration

    Purchase Royally Endowed by Emma Chase

    See my review for Royally Screwed
    See my review for Royally Matched
    Royally Raised is a short FREE story