A review by geo_ix
The Boyfriend Makeover by River Jaymes


Oh my god it was SOOOOO good. My heart is just bursting and it was definitely worth the wait. I won't lie I just about died when I went on to amazon on it's release day and found out this was also a Kindle Unlimited book, because hello I'm poor and need to spend less on books. Honestly, this coming to Australia finally has brightened my life and the fact that this book and then tomorrow Downed also comes out on KU it's giving me such happy vibes. Anyway, the book.

I knew it would be a little sad reading Noah's story when we first met him in book one, but I honestly didn't realise quite how messed up this guy was. There's a few bits in this where he explains his previous sexual encounters that may be a little triggering, because as you'll know if you've read others in this series, Noah is a pretty damaged and needs some help but he'd rather drink and have sex than fix himself. There was a whole lot of him punishing himself for Ricks death which was truly heartbreaking, but even more so was the fact he was so quick to think his mistakes would make those around him hate him or leave him. He's truly messed up and it is a bit like a train wreck, but I'm so glad it all worked out like it did because it was just really beautiful and I'm so happy right now I don't think I'll be able to sleep... and it's 1am. Damn.