A review by savtank
The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this as an arc. 

Full transparency: I have struggled with the idea of writing this review and leaving a rating because I did DNF this book at around 35%. Please take my feedback with a grain of salt. Just because I didn’t enjoy it doesn’t mean you won’t. 

I was so excited to read this and I am so sad to say that I knew from about 10% of the way through that I was not going to enjoy it.

To begin with the positives, the premise and magic system described in the synopsis really intrigued me. I really enjoyed the magic books, even the more simple ones were made to feel exciting.  

But, the pacing was inconsistent and the prose was odd to me. Everything felt very clunky and forced. In my opinion there were several instances where details that added nothing to the world/character building or plot. I also did not appreciate the author’s stereotypes he applied to the female characters. Some of the first introductions we get to Cassie and her roommate Izzy are them complaining about their bodies which to me is just lazy writing.

The main characters and villains also felt very flat to me. I couldn’t connect with any of them and I struggled to focus while reading.

All this to say, I was disappointed but that doesn’t mean someone else out there won’t enjoy this book.

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