A review by chamomiledaydreams
The Last Hope by Erin Hunter


I appreciate how the characters finally sit down and communicate in this book, although I still find it difficult to understand why they didn't do it sooner. The excuse that "it wasn't the right time yet" doesn't sit well with me. Regardless, I like the dynamics and relationship growth within Firestar's family, specifically how Brambleclaw finally steps up as a father again (after not talking with the main characters for several books) and how they react upon reuniting with old friends in StarClan.

An odd theme in this series is destiny. I say it is odd, because there is so much emphasis placed on being "the chosen one," with conflicting repercussions. On the one hand, Lionblaze laments that he is special and cannot be with Cinderheart or lead a "normal" life. Yet, he remarks that Hollyleaf "deserves" to be part of the prophecy, as though it has a positive effect on the people involved. In other words, Lionblaze wishes his importance on others even as he resents possessing it himself.

This ambivalent portrayal of being "the chosen one" bothers me, in part because I feel as though 90% of this series consists of the chosen cats waiting around for their moment to be important, as though they don't impact their friends and family every day by simply existing and being part of a Clan. Not only does this cause the chosen cats torment and anguish over how they should be leading their lives, but it also suggests that all other cats are "irrelevant." This is at odds with the very fabric of Clan life, which is structured around teamwork and communal living. It also ties back to my confusion about the lack of communication in these novels. Ivypool acts as a spy in the Dark Forest but does little to impact the future, barely sharing her findings even with Dovewing. Instead, Ivypool's inner monologue paints her as an important cat, a linchpin to destiny, even though she is more passive than active until the last possible moment, in the final battle.

I also don't understand the plot point where certain cats suggested that it's wrong for Clan cats to remember their ancestors. For one thing, they don't remember them all that well, because so many cats still refuse to acknowledge that Tigerstar was bad news. Still, even if the cats did a better job of warning their descendants about the villains who came before them (or of exalting the heroes who came before them), I struggle to understand the moral value of not teaching history as part of Clan culture. This plot point didn't seem fully developed or too spread out throughout the series, but when it was brought up, it bothered me quite a bit.

Overall, I wish this series had made a move away from prophecies and chosen cats by introducing the theme that all Clan cats are special, not just the ones with supernatural hearing or fighting skills. They could have kept the prophecy of three while teaching the protagonists to rely on others and not shoulder the weight of the world alone. Instead, there are twelve books of angst and build-up to the final battle, which is very entertaining but not as powerful or impacting as a more concentrated, genuine theme might have been, at least for me as a reader.

Still, I am more passionate about this series for having finished the book, and I am looking forward to reading a couple of super editions before moving into the next series of six (perhaps skipping the prequel for the sake of preserving my forward momentum).