A review by will_o_wisp
Evan: A Steamy Billionaire Workplace Contemporary Romance by Toni Denise

funny hopeful lighthearted reflective


Let me start out by saying that this is the second installment of this amazing series, and I highly suggest you take the time to read Jake!
This book focuses on Evan, who we meet in the first book of the series.  Evan is a silent backer of a dating business called "Blind Date", which is owned by Kayla, a wonderful woman we also met in the first installment.  Kayla and Evan have a good friendship, but that seems to be all, at least on the surface.  Evan's friends talk him into trying out the Blind Date, just as he had talked his friend Jake into doing.  The rules stayed the same, four women would be chosen, one by each of Evan's friends, and he would go on a blind date with all of them.  Evan has a terrible experience with the first two dates, but the third seems so right to him, that he feels almost comfortable, almost familiar.
  This is an amazing short and beautiful read, and I highly recommend that you take the time to read the first installment and keep your eyes open for the third book! I'll be impatiently awaiting its release! <3