A review by deecreatenola
The Hush by Ea Mylonas


This is one of the bleakest dystopian novels I've ever read, but extremely thought provoking. On the one hand, it seems almost ludicrous to think that a government could ban talking. Yet...Mylonas really shows how this is not so ludicrous and I can indeed see how we could get there just as I can see how we could get to Atwood's Handmaid's Tale.

The story is a little uneven. And of course it's nearly all told in exposition since dialogue is forbidden. I didn't fully understand everyone's motivation, although I think the twists and turns were interesting and added to the story - but at the same time it was unbalancing.

Some things I couldn't understand: the accents, if that's what they were? Were they supposed to be Southern? Or was it because they hadn't spoken in so long? Also the capitalization bothered me even as I understood it - the Deputy and the Sheriff were parts of the government so they got capitalized titles while the teacher and the farmer did not. Not proper but I supposed nothing in that world was.

I would like to see more from this interesting author.