A review by eitheror
Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us, and How We Can Fight Back by Julia Serano


First Serano book, yippee! Although the book can feel a little 101 if you're already familiar with topics of feminism, sex positivity, and intersexuality, it nonetheless gives very useful frameworks breaking down how western society creates social scripts that we follow. My only complaint was that I was expecting a little bit more from the 'How We Can Fight Back' part of the book's subtitle, as it admits it's not really possible to wholly avoid sexualisation on the individual level and has to be something that's resolved systemically. Which fair enough, but felt like a bit of a cop out for making up a third of the subtitle XD, but I digress. I still very much recommend the book, and defs see myself referring to some of the frameworks it presented.