A review by booksuperpower
Dark Shadows: Wolf Moon Rising by Lara Parker


Dark Shadows: Wolf Moon Rising by Lara Parker is a Tor Forge publication and was released in August,2013.

The "Dorian Gray" type portrait of Quentin Collins has gone missing. This portrait keeps Quentin forever young, but also prevents him from turning into a werewolf during the full moon.

Barnabas Collins is a vampire once again. However, he soon discovers he is no match more the werewolf side of Quentin Collins.

David Collins, is in love with Jackie, who lives at the "old house" with her mother. Jackie is the reincarnation of the notorious witch, Angelique. Angelique was the one that cursed Barnabas to a life of the undead, as punishment for choosing he beloved Josette over her.

Now with several mysterious deaths in Collinwood, a relative of the warlock, Nicholas Blair has arrived determined to unearth the dark secrets of the Collins family and write a book.

In the meantime, David and Jackie are desperate to locate the portrait of Quentin and find themselves transported back into the roaring twenties.

For me this book was like a tribute to the OLD Dark Shadows television show. As other reviewers of this books have pointed out, it would be a good idea to be at least moderately familiar with the show to truly enjoy this book.
As it's been stated, the author of this book is Lara Parker, the actress that portrayed the diabolical Angelique on the show.
Ms. Parker incorporated old story lines from the show into the book, and created new characters and stories as well. She did an excellent job of recreating the spooky Gothic feel of the show. I was once more at Collinwood, remembering the Old House, The Blue Whale Tavern, Widow's Hill, Quentin's theme, time travel, and of course who could possibly forget the tormented vampire- Barnabas Collins.

I loved this new story with most of our favorite characters involved. There was Elizabeth Stoddard, Roger, Magna, Carolyn, Julia Hoffman, David's mother, the Phoenix, and Willie Loomis. Notably absent was Maggie Evans and Victoria Winters.

Dark Shadows popularity was incredibly unique. How many daytime soap operas can you name that were made into major motions pictures, and are available on DVD, that spawned countless collectable items and series of books written by "Marilyn Ross"? Amazing.
The show in it's prime was cutting edge. I LOVED all the old costumes. The show was almost like watching live theatre.
When I saw this book on Netgalley I was thrilled. I love the cover of the book, featuring Quentin.
It was great fun to catch up with old characters and meet new ones, and go on another time tripping journey back into the twenties, which was such a fun era. This book is a must for all Dark Shadows fans.
For those of you who are wondering what all the hype is about, if you have Netflix, you can watch the series from the beginning to end on DVD. It's a fascinating piece of history and even after all these years we are still interested in these characters, and that's saying something.
Just for fun- visit my blog at http://www.cluereview.blogspot.com for a video clip of Lara Parker portraying Angelique in a scene that included Quentin Collins.
Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for the DRC of this book.