A review by devansbooklife
Arsen: A Broken Love Story by Mackenzie Cartwright, Roger Wayne, Mia Asher


This review will contain spoilers. WARNING this book is centered around an affair; it's about cheating and it's a very difficult read. It may not be for everyone.
I bought this on a whim. I had seen numerous blog posts about it but had yet to investigate it's plot. It was sitting on my TBR list. I'm one of those book nerds who always have 100 books on my wish list but continue adding to it. Typically I stay away from the cheating themes. But I attended The Atlanta Author Event and had the privilege of meeting Mia Asher. While waiting in line everyone around me were talking about Arsen. The general consensus was that Arsen emotionally wrecked it's readers. So I grabbed a signed copy. And for those of you wondering about Mia ' s presentation at the signing; she was warm, energetic, and thoroughly gracious to her fans.

This book killed me. I don't know of any other story story that actually elicited waves of nausea and devestation the way this did. Mia Asher is a gifted writer. She has a expansive knowledge of language that she proves by throwing in words like juxtaposition. (I loved it) Her intellect and passion resonates throughout the story. The end result being a work of art, a masterpiece, and shines with brilliance. Even if the story broke me, I cannot argue the impressive talent flowing through the pages.

Cathy has it all. A wonderful career, a husband that makes Prince Charming look bad, and a bright future. However, three miscarriages leave Cathy shattered and emotionally void. She is unable to accept the love and support from Ben her husband, and begins to resent him in a way. She is bored or numb, I never really felt I understood her emotional state. Enter Arsen. A egotistical, young, attractive man that has been assigned to work with Cathy. Cathy at first denies his advances, but eventually she gives in.

My biggest issue is with Cathy. I couldn't understand or relate to her feelings. I hated her for the majority of the book. And if I'm being honest, she barely redeemed herself to me in the end. Why? She "needed" Arsen because he made her feel alive, but she "loved" Ben. In my opinion she only felt real heartbreak when Arsen left her. THEN she recognized her mistake. She walked out on a beautiful marriage for a fling. A man who "f*cked" her. I was so completely heart broken for Ben. He was innocent and tried so hard to make things work.
Other issues:
I couldn't understand the desire for Arsen. I never connected with him. I felt he was immature and shallow. He didn't try to romance Cathy, he was crude and direct. What about him seemed worthy of losing everything? Even their intimate moments played out in my mind like a hard core porn. All sex no emotion. This drove me bananas.

What makes this book so amazing is the way it's written. Mia Asher took a difficult story and weaved it into something amazing. It makes you feel. I felt disgust deep in my gut. I felt tears fall for Ben. When she surrendered and slept with Arsen I felt shocked, betrayed, and disappointment. THAT'S why it's incredible. Not all stories are butterflies and rainbows. Some are dirty, raw, and tragic. But they need to be told nonetheless.
If you start this book you will get swept away with it. It sucks you in and completely demands your attention. The subject matter is edgy and harsh but it's still beautiful.