A review by lauren_soderberg
The Time of Your Life by Sandra Kitt


3.5 stars

When you talk about genre romance, it’s not a proper conversation if you’re not including Sandra Kitt. There’s a reason why she has such a storied and celebrated career. Having never read her work before, I felt grateful to have the opportunity to read The Time of Your Life ahead of its publication date.

The Time of Your Life centers around protagonists Eden Marsh and Beck Dennison, their shared experience of having the same father-figure/benefactor, and how they both grow as characters. It’s not a flashy read, meaning that the conflicts are more internal; the flowering of their relationship more slowly paced. I could understand why Kitt is considered one of the greats when I read this.

All that said, I think that the narrative style and prose of the book feels a little more old school, and not necessarily in a bad way! It hails back to a time in the genre that probably evokes a lot of nostalgia for devoted readers. However, as a reader who is fairly new to the genre, I felt that its style was a marked departure from most contemporaries I have read in the past few years. Again, that is not necessarily a bad thing! The characters feel, frankly, a little old. Older than the ages I think they’re meant to be in the novel. But love is universal, and that definitely translates. There are also other complicated relationships that are addressed in the book that add richness to the story and to the emotional growth of the protagonists.

If you are a Sandra Kitt fan, you will love this book. And if you are new to her as an author, it’s still worth a read.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.