A review by booksbasilbabies
That's Not What Happened by Kody Keplinger


I feel disappointed after reading this book, which honestly kinda sucks given the weight of the story the author is trying to tell.

The premise of this book is oddly familiar, which shouldn’t be that surprising since it’s meant to reflect the similar story of Colombine and Cassie’s famous “yes” to the shooter’s question about her faith. This book had its good points, don’t get me wrong. An asexual main character, a look into what PTSD is like after surviving a traumatic event, and the realization that people (even Christians, even famous ones, even martyred ones) may not be as the public desperately wants them to be. The stories about the murdered students and teachers was also a really great touch, as well as the refusal to use the name of the shooter AT ALL in the book.

But unfortunately this book also felt a little...wooden. With the exception of Denny (which also might be a little unfortunate in that the only character with any form of structure is the one of the only POCs who is also blind), they all seemed grey. Almost like all of these potentially amazing people blended together two-dimensionally.

The plot also seemed a little rushed and lost at points. The entire title is about “that isn’t what happened,” but it’s given away almost immediately without a lot of build up. Kinda disappointing.

All in all, it’s a decent read but not memorable enough to warrant a recommendation.