A review by jkkb332
Genesis by Bernard Beckett


I love a book that challenges your assumptions by completely blindsiding you towards the end, and I especially love when you can look back and see how very wrong you were. This book does the first very well, and a decent job at the second.

This is very dystopian. Even though it was written in 2010 it feels extremely timely in today's post-pandemic world (using the term post-pandemic loosely here, in the sense that the initial panic and society-changing part of it has passed). This is why I don't read dystopian fiction anymore, it hits too close to home. Frankly I only picked this up because it was a quick read and I'm trying to catch up on my reading challenge (and because it's been on my to-read list for ~10 years, yeesh). But, the twist is worth the reminder that the world is going to shit, so you should read it anyway.