A review by daydreamer1983
Before and Again by Barbara Delinsky


Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an e-ARC of Barbara Delinsky's newest novel, "Before and Again" in exchange for an honest review.

This novel pulled at my heartstrings in so many ways. Throughout Maggie's narrative I was captivated with her relationships, grief, and how she went about moving on with life after Lily. There were times when Maggie was describing what happened to Lily that I had to put the book down for a few minutes while I gathered my emotions.

I've never had a child, or lost one, but Maggie's grief felt so real. I felt her anger and pain when Edward came to town. I loved the conversations between Maggie and her mother, along with a bit of comic relief from her brother showing up.

I highly recommend this novel for anyone who loves a good redemption or overcoming grief story. Anyone who's read previous works by Delinsky would likely enjoy this. What a fantastic summer read.