A review by gabi90
Hot Summer Nights by Jessie G., Suki Fleet, Alina Popescu, JL Merrow, Aimee Brissay, Teodora Kostova, K.A. Merikan


Butterfly Wishes by Teodora Kostova - 3 stars
This was a second chance romance. High school best friends became lovers in the last semester. It's not just told to us, we actually witness this, even though it's short. They tried long distance at first, but didn't work, so they agreed to end things. Several years later they meet again and the love is still there, but there's so much hurt to get through. It was kind of magical, but also a bit sappy for my liking.

Alpaca My Bags by JL Merrow - 3.5 stars
Despite being a short story, this was probably the most fleshed out, and well-written out of all in this anthology.
I didn't like the very beginning, with the ex. It was the typical "what did I ever see in you" effect, and I hate that. But yes, the ex is a douche. After that it was a pretty smooth sail. I liked it because it was so down to earth and real. Also my first book where both MCs are over 40. Beware of a howling baby... there's some family time in this one.

Alpha Mine by Aimee Brissay - 2 stars
I think this story was part of a series, I dunno. There were definitely previous events that led the characters where they are now, but in my opinion it's not necessary to read the one before this, those who did would enjoy it more.
Not sure what to say about this one. It was underdeveloped. A quick, easy, steamy read, it was ok.

Everybody in the Place by Suki Fleet - 3 stars
Another second chance romance. Best friends little brother is all grown up. They were always circling around each other even back when they were younger. Alfie disappeared for a year, but now he lost his job, and unexpectedly shows up to his best friends birthday party, already drunk. Benji takes care of him. Old sparks flare to life and ta-da. Magic. I liked this one, the feelings were there, but it progressed too fast, it was one night. It would have worked beautifully in a full-length novel.

Good Boys Don’t by K.A.Merikan - dnf
Christian boy with a hotter than hot musician biker. One night. 'There goes my virginity' situation. Sorry I couldn't finish it. It was crude.

Not So Predictable by Jessie G - 2 stars
Second Chance again. Two bears in a marriage had a 6-month long affair with Oliver and it was perfect, but Oliver wanted more with the couple. So in fear of rejection, one day he just vanished. This, we don't see, it's just told to us. A year later he goes on a cruise, and surprise, surprise Ben and Gavin are there too. The old fire sparks to life again. This was not so erotic as you might think, probably because of the lack of space. They were just trying to get through some miscommunication and then have sex and that's it basically.

Heart of the Dragon by Alina Popescu - 3 stars
This was kind of like Captive Prince with a paranormal fantasy twist. Except way more fluffier. It was not bad, I liked the plot, but the author could have gone deeper, could have explored more, both plot-wise and emotionally too. Also the MCs connected faster than I would have liked, given that they were on opposing sides. I found their immediate trust in each other a bit naive. The story is open-ended with a HFN, it might continue it there is enough interest.