A review by neilrcoulter
Star Wars: Darth Vader, Volume 3: The Shu-Torun War by Kieron Gillen


I don't ask much of Star Wars graphic novels--which is good, because in general they don't have much to offer. The only series Marvel has been successful with in the new canon is Kieron Gillen's Darth Vader. Gillen finds exactly the right balance between the sinister and the ridiculous, especially in the team of unashamedly nasty people (and droids) Vader draws to his team. It's fun to watch Vader being put into difficult situations, and to read Gillen's spot-on, terse dialogue.

That's all true in this third volume, The Shu-Torun War, though it's the weakest segment of the ongoing story so far. In part this is because Vader's companion, archaeologist Dr. Aphra, is absent for the whole story. But also, the situation Gillen creates for Vader this time is a little too fragmented and indistinct. I appreciate that he's tried to create an interesting world with its own long history, but I just wasn't very interested in it.

I'll keep up with the Vader series as I can (thank you, public library!), but I hope it picks up again in the next volume.