A review by routergirl
A Conspiracy of Stars by Olivia A. Cole


There is some beautiful writing here - sparse, effective, sometimes lovely. But its combined with some cringe worthy aspects, and some areas not explored that left me wondering - perhaps to be addressed in a sequel. Cringe worthy - telepathic communication as blobs of color. Left me wondering - Eggs that are possibly not eggs, but kawa. Cringe worthy - so many MANY repetitive distinctions between life on Faloiv and the origin planet. Octavia seems to know what meat is (she mentions her father comparing a plant to it), but later in the book she is SHOCKED at what meat is. The interns, running around this high tech facility (with shielding glass windows that hide whats inside), with no one catching them? Dr. Albatur, the most villainy villain ever.

Ok, so maybe it was more cringe worthy than I thought. Still, I enjoyed it mostly, read it fast, and might pick up the next one, if there is nothing else on my to read shelf that looks more interesting.