A review by buffyb
The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie


This book was incredibly dull. I actually didn't read the last 40 pages of it because I just didn't care any more. I'm not even sure why I read as many pages as I did.

There was not a single character that I cared about. The character whom the title describes is not at all interesting. The greatest thing about her is that she's beautiful. Apparently she was so beautiful that all the men who saw her fell hopelessly in love with her. She was so beautiful that none of the wives of these men are jealous of her. Basically, she was pretty. Blah blah blah...

I think that it's pretty obvious when an author is a misogynist. It definitely shows in the writing. All of the women are just there for the pleasure of the men or to provide them with babies. While it could be argued that that may have been the case throughout history, I don't believe that women of earlier time periods were so completely devoid of personality.

And the men...ye gods, the men. All that men do is visit brothels apparently.

I think that I kept reading in the hopes that I would encounter some of the lush and evocative writing that others talked about when reviewing this book, but I must confess that I didn't see it. I'm certainly not prudish, but I have to say that I thought that this book was filthy.

I shan't read any of his others.