A review by justiceofkalr
Spook Country by William Gibson


Really more like three and a half stars. After the first book in this trilogy, Pattern Recognition, Spook Country was a little bit of a letdown. It was still enjoyable, it just wasn't as intriguing as the first. Mainly I felt this was because the plot was a little slow to really take off. In PR things seem to take off almost right away, whereas SC takes a bit longer to make it clear what's going on and weave the characters together. I also wasn't as fond of Milgrim's chapters simply because he didn't do much other than watch. He rarely took any action of his own. The book was still really good though. Once the plot finally did make itself clear I really enjoyed it. While I probably like Cayce more from the first book, Hollis was pretty interesting in her own right as a main character. I also kind of like Tito and his family. And of course Gibson's writing was as wonderful as ever.