A review by lizanneyoung
The Fake Mate by Lana Ferguson


🪢 Omegaverse
🪢 Grumpy/Sunshine
🪢 Fake Dating/Mates
🪢 He Falls First
🪢 Dual POV

I haven’t stayed up to read a book in one sitting in a while, so it is nice that my last finished read of the year gave me that. 

I initially had this one on my TBR because I wanted to read an omegaverse story in a contemporary setting in preparation for Ali Hazelwood’s Bride. I think it may have actually set the bar for me, which hasn’t happened often this year. 

Fake dating is a top trope for me, and I loved how it worked here. Because of the omegaverse elements at play, it went from fake to real pretty quickly, even if Noah and Mackenzie wouldn’t admit to it. Both have something to gain from the ruse and everything to lose by the end, but that doesn’t stop them from eventually landing on their feet.

Even before they give in to their feelings, Mackenzie and Noah are so thoughtful and considerate of each other. From planning a date around Mackenzie’s favorite food to using a newfound status at work to discourage rumors, it’s nice to see the acts of service toward each other throughout the story.

I credit the pacing as to why I couldn’t put this book down. For me, it was the perfect balance of character development, plot development, and fun. There was never a lull and I never felt bored.