A review by readermonica
The Laird by Grace Burrowes


The Laird is the final book in the Captive Hearts series and I have to say it's my favorite of the three. Yes, I'm biased because a rugged Scottish laird in a kilt and the Highland setting always makes me happy. Michael and Brenna are married, but have spent no time together and their marriage is one his family does not want to continue. After years spent away at war, Michael returns with an additional title and a desire to begin a new life with Brenna.

After being left so long among people who didn't care for or trust her Brenna has to adjust to Michael's return and what it can mean for her. Michael has to work hard to gain Brenna's trust so that she knows that he will be there for her and demand that she be treated with the respect that she deserves. However, Brenna carries secrets of her own that could effect them all.

The Laird is going on my favorite reads list and I will definitely reach for a Grace Burrows book the next time that I need a historical romance fix. Burrowes is wonderful at creating a historical world to completely escape into. Descriptive scenery, well developed stories with heroes and heroines that are wonderfully developed seem to be a hallmark of Burrowes' writing. You can't go wrong with this series and The Laird was a wonderful conclusion.

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**
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