A review by aline_reads
Wire Wings by Wren Handman


Wire Wings takes the concepts of virtual reality into a whole different level when the author introduces these concepts into a quantum computer, this is already a reality and in the future, we will be struggling with questions that this author makes us ask when we are reading Wire Wings. We get to follow an AI that's so real we begin to question gender, laws, and rights for artificial intelligence. But more importantly, this book is about loss, love, and overcoming difficult times. In this book, we get to see what it would be like when virtual reality feels very real, and it can really be a nightmare it reminded me a little of some episodes of Black Mirror where the so-called "divers" can get injured going into a virtual world. The only downside for me was the romance, it was not an expected thing going into this book because it isn't marketed as a romance, and the fact that the characters fall in love in like 3 seconds doesn't help. The big secret of the AI or huge plot twist was a really expected one for me. Overall it was definitely an interesting read with real questions that we will have to make ourselves in the near future.