A review by jamiesbookaddiction
Renewing the Soul by Annabella Michaels


So I enjoyed this book for the most part. It was definitely a lot lighter than I thought it would be.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Rocko/Rylie. I didn't have much of a connection with him in the prior book. It's very clear that he had some things going on in his past that were causing his downward spiral. I was a little shocked at what it was when it came out. I expected something much darker I guess. Not that what he went through wouldn't be traumatic, but I don't know, the lead-up was that it was going to be so much worse.

Lachlan was a little bit of a surprise for me. The L word was used way sooner than I anticipated, but maybe I should've known. The connection he had with Rylie seemed really flimsy to be so attached so quickly. Although, these books do tend to be on the "sweeter" side. Either way, I do think they make a good couple.

I hated the epilogue though. Epilogues should be used to bring together the book with the couple we just read about. We got none of that. Instead, this epilogue is preparing us for the characters in the next book. I have no clue who Akio is and now we are throwing in another character we've not met but is related to Landon. Almost makes me not want to read it.