A review by winecellarlibrary
The Dark Mirror by Juliet Marillier


Compared with Marillier's earlier works, this book is sub-par. It failed to hold my attention: when I can usually finish one of her books in just a few sittings, it took me a month and a half to finish this one. It lacks action. The story is good, but predictable. However, I have just started the second book in the trilogy, Blade of Fortriu, and I am captivated. The Dark Mirror is not a good example of Marillier's usually captivating writing, but I am glad I pushed myself to finish it because I have been rewarded with a so-far fantastic sequel that I cannot put down. For the Marillier fans out there, do not give up on the Bridei Chronicles trilogy just because of this book! Better things are in store for you! =)