A review by pelicanfreak
The Broken Rivalry by Christine Rees


Book 2 in its series, it picks up shortly after book 1 left off, perfectly on pace and perfect continuity. There’s just enough teenage drama that it’s all plausible, but not annoying at all. Like The Hidden Legacy, this book is packed with magic, action, young love, family love and family drama, small town secrets, good versus evil and more. In this installment, old secrets come to light a bit more and a few more teens ‘with powers’ are thrown into the mix, adding to the intrigue of it all.

This is an amazing, addictive, fast-paced read. It’s also professionally produced, as I noticed no errors. It serves as a super fun escape from reality and I’ll likely revisit this series. Fans of series such as Harry Potter who are left forever chasing that high should dive into this one. Also if you enjoy superheros, you’d likely enjoy this one. This kids are sorta like witches and superheros all rolled into one. (Don’t want to say too much and spoil anything!)

Truly an epic read.
Warning: It does end on a cliffhanger.

Eagerly awaiting the next in the series, 5 addicted stars.
