A review by aranjournal
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare


Uhm... 2.5 stars?

What happened with this book is that I was expecting some epicness I didn't found there. It was full with isolated facts here and there, with some characters losing their identities, and full of pages and pages with secondary characters as if they where the main ones. I had high expectations with this one, mainy because I got so disappointed on the 4th book and loved the 5th. Or maybe it was that I read the first five books in a row, so quickly one from the other and had to wait for this one losing interest... I don't know.


What I liked:
-SIZZY! These two are those kind of characters I didn't made such a big deal with at the beginning, but they grew to be one of my favourites couples. Isabelle: I LOVED her in this book. Her fate was the one that worried me most, tbh. Simon: You got the credit you deserved at last! Your fate was one that made me really excited. I kinda figured it out a bit, but I LIKED IT.

-Luke. Yes! Cassie knew how to stick with his character identity. I love him even more, in all his simplicity and caring kindness.

-Brother Zachariah. He's back! YESSS you where missed, sweetie-pie.

-Magnus, you still have my heart. And AT LAST we get to know you, thank you for that! Really excited about the father thing......

-That Demon with the whole dreams thing. THAT was my favorite scene in the book. Since that scene took place everything was kinda blah-blah but I got really interested on that! #IApprove


What I DIDN'T like:
-Battle. I know this is the last book and some fight scenes are needed, but not at the beginning of the book and pls not so many! JUST NO. They where such a bore, sorry to say.

-Blackthorns and Carstairs. This really BOTHERED me. Cassie, I love TMI and TID, but you must understand that I'm reading THIS series because I love its characters and its story. If I was willing to read the last book was because of them, don't add new characters to gain readers on your new stories and, above all, don't give them such an importance in the story! I'm sorry, but this really got me mad. This made me go really slow on the reading (bought the book when it came out, and spent like... five months stopped before I picked it up again?). I just couldn't. I wanted Clace, Sizzy, Malec and Luke. Those characters that started it all? Do you remember them? THAT'S what I wanted to read.

-Jace. What the hell happened to Jace?? Where was his leading role? Where was his personality??? I missed you, darling.

-Sebastian. I kinda hate you. But really. I enjoyed Valentine's story and scenes, but couldn't make it with Sebastian. Is it possible to write a baddie that you can love as a character, even if you hate them, you know? (AKA Valentine?)

-MALEC. I'm SO sorry, but what the hell happened to them? As a couple, I mean. Still love their characters. I felt like everything was so rushed and... fake.

-And... can we talk about the writing? There where parts where everything was so poorly written, I missed Cassandra's poetry. The first books were so beautifully written. (It get better in the end, though).


Maybe I can relate TMI's City Of Heavenly Fire with TID's Clockwork Angel, the end got REALLY interesting, which really drives me mad 'cause when you end the book kinda feel like it was worth reading, but IT WASN'T, 'cause you spend the ENTIRE book not enjoying it as you thought you would.

And... that's it. There are people who loved the last book, there are people who didn't that much (I thought I was the only one...). Don't get me wrong, I LOVED The Mortal Instruments series, I really did. Maybe that's another reason why I get a bit disappointed with this one. I have to say, there are some GREAT scenes and secondaty plots I liked and enjoyed and it's great this series has come to an end with so many memories that will remain with me for a long time.