A review by itsallaboutthebooksuk
Cwa Anthology of Short Stories: Mystery Tour by


I’ve never really been one for short stories, it’s not that I didn’t think I’d like them, it was more the fact when I’m reading a story I like to really get my teeth into it. I love the character building and suspense as the story progresses over the pages. So when I saw that the CWA Anthology was to be published and with its fantastic list of authors I was definitely up for the challenge.
With it being short stories my plan was to read a couple every night, I didn’t want to forget what I’d read, there are 28 stories after all, but my plan went out the window and before I knew it I was half way through the book and I ended up reading it in two sittings.
Members of the Crime Writer’s Association (CWA) were invited to write stories with the focus on travel and intriguing destinations, so we are taken around the world on a real mystery tour. I was totally amazed how each author managed to create the suspense and tension in only a few pages and not one single story left me feeling unsatisfied.
I’m not going to review every story as they were all absolutely brilliant and I wouldn’t want to give anything away at all. Each story is totally unique and in all honesty I don’t think there was one story that I could say “I saw that coming”.
The CWA Short Story Anthology is a definite read for lovers of crime fiction, filled with murder mayhem and more. It would also be a great introduction for anyone who wasn’t quite sure if this genre was for them, it would really give them a taste of what they have been missing out on.
My only criticism for this anthology is, my blooming bank balance is really going to suffer now. I sat and wrote a list of the authors previous works that I haven’t read and I now have quite a big list. I wonder if Santa will be kind This is a fabulous way though to introduce a reader to new authors and vice versa.
So I think it is safe to say that It’s all about the books definitely recommends the CWA Anthology and I think I will be purchasing a few copies for Christmas presents.