A review by jessica_
You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa


An absolute blast!
I loved the mess that were these characters!
Cunning, bitchy, manipulative, fearless, narcissistic, and I loved every minute of it!!!

I loved the set up of this book. I loved Amaya's tendencies to look for signs, and lucky numbers. I loved her obsessive and intrusive thoughts... but the last third of the book was when things really got good. Oh it was a world-wind and I loved it!!!

On top of that, I love thrillers that involve weddings. I came for the family drama but I stayed for the Sri Lankan rich society social politics. Combine that with the inclusion of the private investigator interviews between chapters giving Big Little Lies vibes.... Did I mention I loved this :)
Oh I love a selfish character!

closest thing I will give to a criticism would be that most of the twist were very predictable, and there was one plot point that I could have done without