A review by jackiemcee
Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher


I thought I'd give it a try and see what the hype is all about. Then I finished reading and I was like, "This novel lacks something". And you know what it is? It's connection and order. The characters' feelings are all over the place. There are plenty of irrelevant side stories that disrupt the build up of hero and Heroine's connection. And don't get me started with the last 2 or 3 chapters that tackled about Yara's mom instead of David & Yara's relationship. That was the worst transition I've ever read. How do you go from "Let's settle this 3-year fuck up relationship" to "My mom died cuddle me and let's make up" real quick?!

Yara -One of the worst heroines I've read. She was really likable at first but 60-70% of the book, she became this annoying-coward-narcissist woman where she makes everything all about her.
David -One of the best heroes I've read. He has a pure heart and patience of a saint that Yara doesn't deserve at all.