A review by melbsreads
The Mayan Prophecy by Alex Scarrow


I'm torn between "OMG THAT WAS AMAZING!!" and "WTF DID I JUST READ" on this one. It felt very different to every other book in the series so far, which is a good thing, and there were some seriously major developments here. I can't wait to get my hands on the final book in the series, but of course my library doesn't have it yet so I'll just sit here and glare at their website until they do.


Where most of the other books have essentially been a fully contained storyline with occasional threads that flow through into subsequent books, this one felt very much like the middle book of a trilogy. But in a good way. There was a lot of build up for the big finale, some fairly staggering events for certain characters (
SpoilerSAL BECOMES PART OF A GIANT SEEKER MONSTER?!?!?!?! WHAT THE EFF. Plus, Maddie and Adam finally get together and THEN HE DIES?!?!?!?! I can't even.
), and Bertie's character was brilliantly used. If you've read any of H.G. Wells' work, you can clearly see what Scarrow was doing here, and it's pretty phenomenal.

There are some very interesting theories flying around in this book about what the big end game is, and I'll be veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery interested to see how Scarrow ties everything up in The Infinity Cage. Especially after he basically gave us a cliffhanger ending for the first time in the series. That jerk...