A review by annamaryd365
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro


This was not the worst book I've ever read but it was annoying which is a sin I don't easily forgive. Like both other Ishiguro books I've read before (Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go), there's lots of interesting stuff in there but the actual execution is weak at best. The main issue I had with this book was the dialogue. It was so painfully unnatural and made it very hard to connect to any of the characters. Also, the amount the Axl calls his adult wife "princess" is actually criminal. Once or twice maybe would have been fine but literally every other line of dialogue is truly insane. 

There were parts of this book that I liked so perhaps giving it two stars is petty but truly nothing in this book made up for how annoyed I was reading it. I think I can solidly say that Ishiguro is really just not for me. If he works for you that's great but if I can avoid it, I will definitely not be picking up his books in the future.