A review by eghimire_
This Is So Not Happening by Kieran Scott


I am in a glass case of emotions.

I can’t believe this series has ended. I love these books because Ally is such a great main character and the twists and turns are shocking. It may seem that these books are just fluff and garbage because it’s about rich kids and lots of drama, but they aren’t...kinda.

This Is So Not Happening starts out where He’s So Not Worth It ends. Chloe is pregnant. And Jake is the father. Poor Ally, she stuck threw all this shit with Jake and he can’t act like a decent boyfriend. It’s so frustrating how he acts! He is so immature and definitely does NOT deserve Ally. I don’t even know what to feel. One moment, they are perfect for each other, and the next their fighting.

Their fighting is so fucking frustrating.



SERIOUSLY. I'M SO ANGRY. I just can't even.

Okay, I loved She's so Dead to Us because their relationship was actually good and didn't make me want to bang my head against a wall but here in This is So Not Happening is making me hate their relationship. It's all Jake's fault. I just don't have the tolerance for stupid people and their bullshit. And I just don't understand why Ally would go back to Jake. Seriously?

Okay, so like everybody else, I did not believe this was Jake's baby. Let's not forget about Will and his late nights at Chloe's house. But it was still a interesting read. I was so glad when Ally and Jake broke up because it is not right when Jake kept on being mean and cruel to Chloe when he found out the baby isn't his. He wanted so badly for the baby to be his and he didn't even hide this from Ally. At least try to fake it and not flaunt it in your girlfriends face.

I just hate Jake but love this book.

I did not want Ally and Jake together but at the same time I did. It's very frustrating how this book is leaving me. I hate it but love it. I'm sad to see these books end. At least they ended on a good note, with a happy ending for all.