A review by mbenzz
Baby Proof by Emily Giffin


I read (and loved) both of Ms. Giffin's previous novels, 'Something Borrowed' and 'Something Blue'. And when I saw that she had a new book out I couldn't wait to get a hold of it. I was hoping it would continue with the same characters from her first two books, and when I saw that it didn't, I was afraid I wouldn't like it as much. Well...how wrong was I!

This is an incredibly real, intelligent, yet also amusing look at what happens when two people start out wanting the same things in life, but then one of them changes their mind...and the other is left feeling betrayed, and not sure of what to do next. Well, this is exactly what happens to Ben and Claudia, who at the start of their marriage are both crystal clear on the idea of children...they DON"T want them. But after a few years, Ben decides he wants to be a father, but Claudia still stands firm in their original agreement. Neither, it seems, is willing to compromise...so where does that leave them?

What follows is at times very funny, yet also heartbreaking, because I'm willing to bet most of us at one time or another have experienced some of what Claudia is going through...maybe not the same problem, but the same emotions. Also, Ms. Giffin has this amazing talent (and not just in this book, but also in her first two) of absolutely pegging the readers own thoughts. I don't know how many times I would read something and think 'That's JUST what I was thinking!', or 'I would have done the SAME thing!'.

Overall I just can't recommend her books enough! They are all very well written, with just the right mix of excitement, drama, and humor. And definitely DON"T make the mistake of writing her stuff off as 'chick-lit' because her books are far from it! And even though she just came out with this book, I'm already looking forward to her next novel...you're almost guaranteed a great read when you pick up a book from this entertaining author!