A review by blogginboutbooks
Misfortune Cookie by Vivien Chien


The Noodle Shop Mystery series is one of my favorite cozies. Lana's a fun, appealing heroine and the series' usual Asia Village setting provides a colorful, unique backdrop for the books. Although there are definitely installments I enjoy more than others, overall I love this series.

MISFORTUNE COOKIE falls in the didn't-love-as-much category. I don't know if it's because it's set away from Asia Village or what, but it feels more generic than its predecessors. The characters aren't as memorable and the plot's rather ho-hum. I saw the killer coming from a mile away, which made the story less exciting than usual. I did like that Anna May features more in this installment than usual. The tense relationship between Lana and her fussy older sister gives the story some extra tension and humor to keep things interesting. Even though I didn't find MISFORTUNE COOKIE as appealing as some of its fellows, I still quite enjoy this series as a whole. It's unique, fun, and always entertaining. I'm looking forward to the next book to see what Lana gets herself up to next!

If I could, I would give this book 3 1/2 stars; since I can't, I'm rounding up.