A review by book_bermi
Every Hidden Truth by Nikole Knight


Oh man. Wow. I just. I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s just. Well. Damn.

So Silas and Ben are officially an obsession. Their relationship is so sweet in a very “coming of age” way since they are BARELY adults, but the story is still beautiful none the less. I ADORED this book. I spent the bulk of it squealing at how cute yet awkward they were. I was flying on cloud nine. It was the cutest story, and I knew something would happen, because this is Nikole Knight and happiness has an expiration date…. It was too early in the book for it to be that happy, and I knew that. But damn. It went from sweet and perfect and warm and fuzzy, to what the heck just happened and will my boys ever know happiness again?! Again, I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s not the first time Nikole Knight has pulled the rug out right from underneath my feet *cough cough* FIRE AND BRIMSTONE SCROLLS *cough cough*

Did I love it? Yes. Am I going to read the next one? Oh absolutely I don’t think I have a choice. Did it end on a cliffhanger? Maybe? More like a MFN, Miserable for Now? Is that a thing? Cause I think that’s a thing.

Anywho, gonna play some video games and start the third one tomorrow.