A review by caterinaanna
Reading and Writing About Literature: A Portable Guide by Janet E. Gardner


The bookcrossing copy of this which I read was sent travelling by the author with the explicit instruction that it was to be turned into a communal art-work. I got it early enough in the cycle for it to still be readable, anyone after me would have struggled to make sense of the pages I played with.

I am glad I read it. What amazes me most are the length of sample pieces from students. Our poor KS4 lot (age 14-16) need to produce three times as much for each piece of GCSE Literature coursework - and I'm not sure that all our English staff are quite such friendly hand-holders! I also remember being expected to produce essays of this level for my homework each week at a similar age, so I was thoroughly jealous of the author's students who get time to choose titles and research. Is it merely a difference in location and education system, or have times moved on?