A review by lauraborkpower
Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes


I shouted at this book a lot. Like, more than I normally shout at a book. It was really good.

Beukes creates a world so vivid that I felt connected to the characters and a part of their lives. I wanted them to survive--even Jonno (sort of), who is the world's biggest douchebag--and I yelled at them when they were doing things that endangered their lives. And because this is a horror/thriller, that happened a lot.

This was realistically gruesome--a bit of a police procedural, which I love--but supernatural as well, which pushed it over the edge into truly nightmarish.

I'm not from Detroit, so my friends from MI might disagree, but I like what Beukes does with the city. It feels authentic, palpable.

I'm not usually a fan of audiobooks with multiple narrators, but because the narrative voices are so distinct, it worked well. And the reader for Jonno, Sunil Mohatra, sounds like a grade-A jackass, which is perfect. Although it's also totally irritating. Because I want to punch Jonno in the face.