A review by swaye
The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine N. Aron


The most valuable lesson I learned from this book is to stop comparing myself to others. To realize that I have unique needs and limits regarding what I can handle and for how long. The best coping strategy is in listening to my body. Respecting my needs with love and compassion and without judgement. It's okay that I like being safe in my bed, it's my sacred space. It's okay that I don't like being out and socializing all the time but when it is necessary to remind myself that I am safe in my body. Instead of merging with everything and everyone around me, I am able to observe and be centred in my stillness. I need to be a loving parent to myself and consider what I need to feel safe. I have every right to have boundaries and I don't have to apologize for having them. It's okay to know and express what does and doesn't work for me.

The greatest lesson I'm learning this year is that as a Highly Sensitive Person, I find that some situations are simply too overstimulating for me because they last too long. I need to have a boundary where I limit the time I am in those situations. To respect that my body has had enough and be okay with that, not feeling guilty for putting that boundary in place. When I am in a place where I am afraid I need to remember to reassure myself and seek out the familiar to remind myself that I am safe. When the situation is too much, allow myself to leave without guilt.

By being in tune with my needs it will be easier over time to decide how much to protect myself by removing myself from the situation and how much I need to gently push myself forward so that I can see that it's not a dangerous situation. Balance is essential. I DO NOT have to stay in uncomfortable situations just to please others.

It is wise to accept what I can't change within myself and to enjoy the quiet life I carve out for myself and my inner child. I've always enjoyed being alone and that is OKAY. There is nothing wrong with me for enjoying that. It's okay not to be ambitious, social and outgoing. I have just as much worth as someone who is. I can appreciate myself for just being. My worth isn't affected by doing. It is okay to allow myself to deeply enjoy solitude and being still.

I am learning to reframe situations that I find scary and dangerous, to instead see them as neutral situations that I simply don't enjoy. There is no need to fix something that isn't broken. Being sensitive doesn't mean broken.

My own sensitivity is a gift as I'm able to intuit my son's needs and instil confidence in him to have healthy boundaries of his own.

I will regularly take time to recognize the beautiful gift of being sensitive with compassion and love.