A review by brownbetty
The Down Home Zombie Blues by Linnea Sinclair

Did not finish book.
[Book:The Down Home Zombie Blues]'s title is the best thing about it, which is not entirely a dismissal; it's a pretty good title. But the book is otherwise fairly mediocre: it's not bad enough to be amusing, and not good enough to be read for its own sake. The premise, that a space-fairing race sends an under-cover agent to Earth to exterminate Earth's infestation of zombies, is pretty good, except that they literally mean zombies; for some reason, our space-fairing race speaks something very close to English, and they call their space-roaches "zombies."
Theo, the male lead, suffers from a slight case of woman hating since his last wife stole his heart and his credit rating. (Turns out she was a coke-head. Whoops. You'd think he'd know what a dope-fiend looks like, being a cop and all.) Jorie, our intergalactic pest-control agent, has had her heart broken. Will they find love together? Yes, but you won't really care.

I gave up without reading the last several chapters to see if they survived, and if the looming menace of intergalactic immigration law was going to tear them apart. Couldn't be bothered.