A review by turquoiseavenue
The Shifting Current by Dani Pettrey


WOW! Dani Pettrey sure packs a big punch into this short novella! Returning to the CGIS team in Wilmington, NC was very enjoyable for me as I have loved this series. Emmy and Logan have been destined to be together and despite the heartbreaking circumstances that lead them to Arizona to hunt for Logan's grandfather's murderer, I did love their forced-proximity and witnessing them investigate together as a team. There was plenty of excitement, drama and suspense in this new release that kept me on the edge of my seat and turning the pages as quickly as possible.

The unique way Logan's grandfather communicated with him through left-behind codes and ciphers added an extra layer of intrigue and also demonstrated a beautiful familial bond. While the setting for this story was different than the others in the series, it was no less exciting. In fact, I believe it made Logan's character come to life and shone a fantastic, personal light on a formerly secretive character. Emmy is a sweet and endearing heroine who supports Logan through a very hard time in his life and I loved her all the more because of it.

Overall, this was a riveting, quick read that perfectly tied up a fantastic series and hopefully will be the segue into a new series! If you enjoy crime-heavy, suspense stories with subtle faith-based elements and plenty of romance, don't miss this novella!

CW & TW: Violent Murder, Crime Scene Depiction, Loss of a Grandparent

*I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary ARC copy of this book from the author. All thoughts are my own and I was not required to write a positive review.