A review by senquezada29
Signal To Noise by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


I'd heard a lot of good things about Silvia Moreno Garcia so figured I'd start with her 1st book. I still consider myself new to these kinds of books in general, but I absolutely loved this one. The story was engaging and kept me turning the pages. The characters were deeply flawed and I didnt like the main character as a person, yet I was still very much rooting for them all. I related to the loneliness the 3 main characters experienced in their formative years. The romance was predictable, but not cheesy. I was hoping for them to wind up together. The music references were diverse and appropriate for the story's timeline and characters. The fantasy element was also just enough to make the story clearly a work of fiction, yet not too much to make it cartoonish. Overall it was just a very well balanced book with an engaging story. I'm anxious to read .ore of her books.